by Julia
For my my project I’m working on Da Vinci, but I’m mainly focusing on anatomy. Leonardo spent a lot of his time studying the human body and how it works. He was the first person to actually look closely and pay attention to the movement and flow of muscles, bones, etc. One of his many sketches was the Vitruvian man. The Vitruvian Man is a man that when changing his arm and leg positions fits both inside a square and a circle. My goal for Mayhem is to have a poster with information about Leonardo and his research on anatomy. I am going to have pictures of the vitruvian man. One printed from the internet, and the other one I’m going to try to draw. I am also going to explain what Leonardo researched and how it affected modern day science.
Mathematics in Da Vinci’s Art
by Laura
For my Da Vinci project, my main focus is on art. Mainly his techniques, what colors he used on his paintings and perspective. I choose three paintings to show all three aspects of art. One is point perspective, front profile and side profile. So far I have learned a couple of art techniques, but now I have to master them so I can show my audience. Then I would like to able to explain and show people the difficulty of art, and the making of art. In addition I would like to give a background on how he was introduced into art and how art introduced him to other topics that he excelled in. How art introduced him into science, how he drew muscles and became interested in human anatomy. Not to go off topic, simply just to show the timeline of his art experience, the beginning, his peak and his end.
Leonardo da Vinci’s Robot
by Kamron
I am doing my mayhem project on Leonardo Da Vinci’s robot. I learned about the foundation, creation, and blueprints on the robot. I am planning on creating a duplicated model of the robot that will show certain parts of the robot which are interesting. I might add in a small project poster with pictures to help present the piece. I have learned about his work with automatons and his purpose and motives for creating the robot. I hope to explain the history and cause/ details of the robot like how Leonardo used how muscles propelled bone to create his robot, and other interesting things like that. My goal is to interest my audience and teach them the the foundation and facts of the robot.
Queen Elizabeth I and Fashion in the Renaissance Era
by Rebecca
For my mayhem project I decided to focus my topic on how Queen Elizabeth I influenced fashion in the Renaissance era. Queen Elizabeth was a huge fashion icon during this time, and tons of women all over England strived to dress just like her. The queen was very interested in the fashions of other places in Europe, and incorporated it into her own style. My favorite thing about mayhem is that I get to do a project on a topic that I'm interested in! I've learned so many new things about the Renaissance that I didn't know before. I'm excited to get to teach people everything that I've learned!
A Comparison of Leonardo and Michelangelo’s Art
by Celina
My project is about Leonardo Da Vinci's painting "The Last Supper" and Michelangelo's fresco on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. I'm trying to compare them by painting parts of both, and as of now I'm almost positive it's one of the hardest things I have ever had to draw. I have gained even more respect for the artists and their art then I had before. I decided to do this because art is really interesting, I thought I was somewhat good at it, and I thought it would be fun. Through researching these pieces of art I have also found out about the Michelangelo and Da Vinci rivalry. It turns out that two of the biggest artists during the Renaissance were not friends at all. They even had a paint off at one point. With only a few more weeks until Mayhem, I have a lot of hard work ahead of me to finish this painting on time. Here is one of the paintings I am trying to recreate.
The Worldly Impact of the Byzantine Empire
by Henrique
My name is Henrique, and I am studying the Byzantine Empire and its political and economic impacts mainly in Europe. The Byzantines were what was left of the Roman Empire after it collapsed in the West in 476 A.D. Much of this project will be focused on a very well-known city, Constantinople, named after the great Emperor Constantine I. So far, I have researched trade in the Byzantine Empire, as well as its governmental status through over a thousand years, leading up to the Renaissance. Mayhem projects are focused mainly on what happened during the Renaissance, so I will also be talking about the Byzantines' influence in the fifteenth century, including art and entertainment, government, education, technology, and other aspects of culture. During these next nine days, I will be working on a video/short movie that will depict the Byzantine Empire through the years.
The Siege of Constantinople
by Kush
For my mayhem project I've decided to work on conflicts, specifically the siege of Constantinople in 1453 by the Ottomans. I didn't want this to be another assignment that I really didn't want to do so I decided to look at this in another way, a fun way. I am excited to do either a PowerPoint or a video. I really like doing this subject because it has taught me much about this civilization. I love learning about the ancient empires and their falls and their enemy's. Overall this mayhem environmental has been great it really has taught me independence.
Sports during the Renaissance
by Richard
My Mayhem project so far has been a tough, long, and interesting process. I have come a long way from when we started this project. I started off doing a lot of reading on my topic, and not writing many notes. I just wanted to get a little pre-knowledge of sports in the renaissance. I slowly started to get some cards done, and in no time I really got into a nice groove. The one problem I have had with the note cards is not writing in my own words. That has been the only setback to me, and to this point that is my only problem. The latest thing I have been doing with my project is working on my power point which will be my final presentation. So far I have my title slide, and one actual slide done. I want this to be the best power point I have ever made, so I’m making the effort to have a lot of moving animations, and cool things like that. I think my cards are pretty good and in my words now that I have edited them a bit, but I’m still in the process of making sure they’re perfect. So, that’s pretty much where I’m at and I think this has been a pretty god experience for my so far.
Renaissance Make-Up
by Faith
For my mayhem project, I choose the topic “Renaissance makeup”. I wanted my topic to connect to something I enjoyed in real life, so that’s why I choose Renaissance makeup. When I choose this, I thought of a beauty guru (MACBARBIE07!!!), and I suddenly had the idea of doing a makeup tutorial on Renaissance makeup. However, before the glamorous filming, I would have to do the dirty work.. AKA research. For the past few mayhem periods I have been researching on how, what, and why. How did Renaissance women wear makeup? What did Renaissance women put in their makeup? Why did they use makeup? I answered all of these questions, and also came to the conclusion of a historical question: What were Renaissance women trying to achieve by wearing makeup? I hope that this project will be a great success, and I hope that I can teach people about makeup of the Renaissance!
Causes of War during the Renaissance
by Diego
For this project I will be researching the causes of war in the renaissance period. More specifically the war of the league of Cambrai. So far on this project the work that I have accomplished is researching. The reason that I am not done researching is because I’m going deep into detail about this war. So specific that I will know what happened, where, and what leaders did what. This project has put up some challenges. Some of these challenges are that because this war happened so far back in time it is hard to finds resources that have all of the information that I need. There is very limited resources to finding dates and summaries of this war. My final product of this project will be a 3 fold poster. In this poster I will have some of the things that happened in the war and also if the causes of this war were common in other wars in the renaissance period. Hopefully this project turns out as good as I think that it will be.
Cryptology and the Babington Plot
by Jahod
Hello, my name is Jahod and my Mayhem project is about cryptology and the Babington Plot. My research question is: How and why was the Babington Plot formed? I began reading about cryptology around last year and I thought it was pretty fun to decipher and encipher messages. I've learned about the Caesar Shift, Vignere cipher, Trimethius' Tablet, and many more. I really started to like cryptology once I saw that there were unbroken ciphers and mysteries. Some mysteries like the Phaistos Disk, The Man in the Iron Mask, and The Dorabella cipher got me interested even more. Sometimes, I even imagine breaking an "unbreakable cipher," and achieving worldwide fame for my accomplishment. I could see the photographers, newscasters, and other important people screaming my name and asking me how did I do it. I want to be somewhat in the field of archaeology and anthropology when I am older because you get to discover new things. I chose the Babington Plot because it contained communication with ciphers and to get to know a little bit about something I never knew about. I have learned how to break some different types of ciphers like the Playfair cipher. It is cool to learn peoples' ways of communication. I won't let out any spoilers even though I want to. Well, I guess I can say one little thing about the Babington Plot. Ok, so Mary, Queen of Scots used a substitution cipher to communicate with others outside of her jail, which substitutes a number, letter, or a drawing for a word. These are usually hard to break because one symbol can represent anything. The detectives who solved this were awesome. For this project, I want to present in another way. You may not know what I mean by that, but I want to express my project in a new way. Maybe make my own codebreaker company, change my character to Detective Walsingham, or make a monologue. I will think of something soon. This project is mostly fun and a little frustrating because we had so much freedom in choosing our topic, but it was hard to know what to choose. I am having fun learning about this and I can't wait to present it.
The Effects of Diseases on Daily Life during the Renaissance
by Amina
My topic of research for Mayhem is how having the different diseases of the Renaissance affected a person’s life and social status. Because there was so little knowledge about medicine and why people got diseases such as leprosy and the bubonic plague, people blamed diseases on things like God hating that person. Victims’ families were extremely worried and scared that the curse of the disease would spread to them, so often they would abandon the victim to live alone. Victims of diseases were ostracized and outcast instead of given the necessary help and treatment. This made victims go to the bottom of the social hierarchy. Also, people who survived without any diseases were considered to be invincible, so this put them on the good end of the social hierarchy. I plan to display my topic by constructing a model of the social hierarchy on a poster board, with the lowest members on the bottom of a scale and the highest members on the top. I would also include information on the diseases, including their symptoms and how they were treated (which also affected a person’s social status).
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