by Victoria Kong and Jake Runyon
We are designing a store called the J&V Market. This store is supposed to look vintage, and 16th century style by us, Victoria and Jake. We will be selling many products like food, beverages, weapons and books. For example, since many people in the 16th century loved to drink wine, as a beverage there will be wine along with bottled water. Also back then, there will be many foods like sweet breads, papayas, nut, etc. For the book section, there will be many books by the authors in the 1600’s. For example, there will be books for sale by William Shakespeare, Celia Rees, Alexandre Dumas and more very interesting books. The main section of our store will be the many weapons that were used during the 16th century. Some of the weapons are canons, ballista, matchlock, daggers and even more. The J&V Market has many items that were used and needed in the 16th century that will be very useful and popular in our fantastic store.
The process it took to build and design our store took mathematical skills. We chose all the prices for our products, found the whole sale price which is how much it takes to build or buy the products. Then we made up a price for how much we sell the items for. After, we found the percent difference between the whole sale and the regular price. Then we made the whole store 25% off. We found all the prices with the 25% off and made three receipts for three different customers. Then we hired 3 employees and found out their commission. The whole process takes a lot of concentrations and patience to complete a successful store based off the 16th century.
The Black Death
by Kalpana Ganeshan
My Mayhem project is on the Black Death. The Black Death was one of the most devastating plagues in the world. This destructive plague spread to many places around the world, but impacted Europe the most. The people of Europe were confused, overwhelmed and stunned; the plague killed a person within 24 hours! Even to this day we don’t have a cure for it. I decided to focus on life during the plague: how the people felt, what cures they tried, and simply daily life there. I realized that if you’re in a person’s shoes, you understand them and the world around them better, which is why I chose to focus on life there. I hope that by using a visual and teaching about how life was then, people will be able to relate to the people impacted by the Black Death.
The Beginnings of Ballet during the Renaissance
by Emily Melnick
I am a dancer, so for my Mayhem project I wanted to learn more about the history of ballet and how it originated. Bergonzio di Botta created the “first ballet” and was a famous dancer in the Renaissance period. I am researching Bergonzio, and I am also going to research the first ballet and how it compares to ballets 100 years later. I can't wait to find out more information about ballet and how originated. So far Mayhem has been so much fun! I love having the opportunity to research something that interests me. I really like how this is an independent project, but the teachers are by your side if you have any questions. This has been a great experience so far, and I can't wait to see what else I learn during this time!
Renaissance Architecture: Arches
By Brandon Wong
For my Mayhem project, I am researching architecture, specifically arches, in the Renaissance. So far, I have finished researching about the physics, history, and math behind arches. Arches are built using concepts of circles such as segments, centers, and radii. I have also decided what materials I would need to create model arch. Next, I am planning to begin building a model arch by carving it out of foam. This will also show the math and physics behind building arches. Lastly, I will create a poster to show the history behind Renaissance arches.
The Artwork and Sculpture of Leonardo da Vinci
by Angie Zhang
In Mayhem, I am studying the artwork and sculpture of Leonardo Da Vinci. He started many sculptures such as Il Cavallo, which was a big horse but he didn’t finish it. The Duke of Milan challenged him to build the biggest sculpture the world has ever seen, but it was destroyed by French soldiers during war in 1499. He also did many paintings such as the Mona Lisa, and The Last Supper. Not only was Leonardo Da Vinci an artist, he was also a botanist, musician, writer, scientist, mathematician, engineer, inventor, and many more. He was a perfect example of a “renaissance man.” A renaissance man is someone who is talented in many different subjects. I am studying the other sculptures of Da Vinci too. This project will be presented next Friday at the Mayhem event.
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