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Thursday, December 20, 2012

Pictures of Our First Partners Meeting!


A capstone of the 7th grade service learning experience is for every student to have one or two "partners" in the Lower School, which they meet several times throughout the year for bonding activities. Please visit our 7th grade blog to see pictures of the children enjoying their first Partners experience.

Monday, November 12, 2012

A Flex Activity

On Wednesday, November 7th Ms Traub  met with the 7th grade class  to give them homework/ planner clues and to give organizational suggestions. They then had time ( when the lights went out!) to work with the team teachers to get their binders and backpacks organized. 

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Chinese River Group Work

In Cultural Connections last week students worked in groups to research one of China's two major rivers. Each group wrote an analytical paragraph to answer the essential  question, Was your river beneficial or harmful to China? In addition each group presented a visual, informative power point to their classmates.